A logo for kenpo lewis martial arts with a triangle in the center

Strengthen Your Family Bonds Through Family Jiu Jitsu in Shelley, Idaho

Experience the Unique Blend of Physical Activity, Mental Discipline, & Family Bonding

Join our inclusive Family Jiu Jitsu classes designed for participants of all ages. Train together in a supportive environment, focusing on self-defense, fitness, and the development of respect, discipline, and perseverance.

A red check mark in a red circle on a white background.
A group of people in karate uniforms are posing for a picture in a gym.
A white background with a few lines on it

Expert Instructors

Our instructors are highly skilled and dedicated, ensuring a high-quality learning experience for all family members.

Versatile Classes

Experience a combination of fun, fitness, and self-defense in our classes, contributing to overall family health and empowerment.

Great Community

Step into our welcoming and transformative community environment that fosters growth, camaraderie, and life-changing experiences for families.

Self-Defense Safety

Safety is our top priority, providing a secure and professional learning environment for all students.



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Inclusive & Empowering Family Jiu Jitsu Classes

Are you tired of trying to find activities that both you and your kids can enjoy together? The struggle is real.

It can be a challenge to find something that encourages bonding, teaches valuable skills, and keeps everyone engaged. Plus, who has time to juggle multiple activities for each family member?

Enter Family Jiu Jitsu Classes! Not only do you get to learn awesome self-defense techniques and have fun sparring with your loved ones, but you also strengthen your family ties. It's like hitting three birds with one stone, but in a much more fun and less violent way.

Top 3 Challenges Families Face Today... And How Family Jiu Jitsu Helps

Challenge #1: Communication Breakdown

A family is sitting on a couch looking at their phones.

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, families are finding it harder and harder to connect and communicate effectively. Kids are glued to screens, parents are always on the go, and quality family time is becoming a thing of the past.

Without strong communication skills and a solid bond, families can feel disconnected and relationships can suffer. It's easy to feel like ships passing in the night instead of a cohesive unit.

That's where Family Jiu Jitsu Classes come in! Not only does it provide a fun and active way to spend time together, but it also encourages teamwork, communication, and trust. Plus, you'll learn valuable self-defense skills along the way. Say goodbye to awkward family dinners and hello to a stronger, more connected family unit!

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A family is sitting on a couch looking at their phones.
A family is sitting on a couch watching tv.

Challenge 2: Lack of Physical Activity

A family is sitting on a couch watching tv.

In today's digital age, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get the whole family off the couch and moving.

With so many distractions and sedentary activities, it's no wonder that our health is suffering. Plus, finding an activity that both kids and adults enjoy can be a challenge.

Introducing Family Jiu Jitsu Classes! Not only is it a great way to get fit and stay active, but it's also a fun and engaging activity that the whole family can enjoy together. Say goodbye to couch potato syndrome and hello to a healthier, happier family!

Get Started Now

Challenge #3: Stress and Mental Health Issues

A man is sitting on a bed with his head in his hand while a woman and child are sitting on the bed.

As parents, we all want our children to be physically active and mentally resilient, but finding a fun and effective way to achieve this can be a challenge.

 The school system doesn't prioritize physical education like it used to, and video games seem to take up all our kids' free time. We need a solution that keeps our kids active and engaged.

Enter Family Jiu Jitsu Classes! Not only does it provide a great workout for both parents and kids, but it also teaches valuable life skills like discipline and focus. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a healthier, happier family!

Get Started Now
A man is sitting on a bed with his head in his hand while a woman and child are sitting on the bed.

The Solution:

Transformative Jiu Jitsu Classes For Families

Family Jiu Jitsu classes create a structured environment where family members engage in face-to-face interactions. By training together, families can strengthen their communication skills, build mutual respect, and share common goals, enhancing overall family cohesion.

Here's how Family Jiu Jitsu lessons can bring about true transformation:

Foster Family Connections

Family Jiu Jitsu classes create a structured environment where family members engage in face-to-face interactions. By training together, families can strengthen their communication skills, build mutual respect, and share common goals, enhancing overall family cohesion.

Active Families, Healthy Lives

Jiu Jitsu provides a dynamic and enjoyable way for families to stay active together. The physical exercise involved in Jiu Jitsu improves cardiovascular health, flexibility, and strength, making it a fun and effective solution to combat sedentary lifestyles.

Building Resilience & Reducing Stress

Jiu Jitsu training is an excellent way to manage stress and improve mental health for both parents and children. The discipline, focus, and physical exertion required in practice help release tension, foster mental clarity, and enhance overall emotional well-being.

Feeling Safe & Building Confidence

Family Jiu Jitsu encourages teamwork and mutual support, as family members train and learn together. This shared activity promotes understanding and empathy, strengthening the emotional bonds within the family unit and creating lasting memories.

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What You Can Expect in Every Class...

A man and a woman are hugging each other in a gym.

Warm Up Exercises

To get your body ready for action, you'll begin with a series of warm-up exercises like jumping jacks, stretches, and running drills. These activities help increase flexibility, enhance coordination, and lower the risk of injuries.

Jiu Jitsu Techniques

You & your family will delve into the fundamentals of Jiu Jitsu techniques, including grips, sweeps, and submissions. Expect hands-on practice with partners, positional drills, and sparring sessions to refine your skills and understanding of technique.

Life Skills Development

Beyond physical fitness and self-defense abilities, martial arts classes often focus on cultivating crucial life skills like discipline, respect for others, goal-setting, teamwork, and leadership. Out instructors are trained to integrate these themes into their lessons through discussions, role-playing activities, or games that encourage positive behavior.

A Deeper Dive Into Our Classes

Incorporating Our Top 4 Components of Every Family Jiu Jitsu Class:

A woman in a white kimono is stretching her legs.


Warm Up

Classes begin with a warm-up to prepare the body and mind for training. This may include stretching, calisthenics, and basic Jiu Jitsu movements to increase heart rate and flexibility.

A man in a blue kimono is laying on the floor while two women watch.


Technical Instruction

The instructor demonstrates and explains Jiu Jitsu techniques, from basic positions to more complex submissions and defenses.

Two men are wrestling in a gym with flags in the background


Drilling & Practice

Students pair up to practice techniques in a controlled setting, allowing them to learn through repetition and receive feedback from the instructor.

Two men are wrestling on a mat in a gym.


Cool Down

Classes conclude with a cool-down period, often involving stretching and relaxation exercises to help the body recover and prevent injury.

Treat Yourself to the Gift of Confidence & Feeling Powerful!

Our programs have helped thousands of families, no matter the age, abilities, or backgrounds, learn important self-defense skills and gain useful tools for personal growth.

Don't miss our web special! Just click below and fill out the form to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What age groups are eligible for Family Jiu Jitsu classes?

    Our Family Jiu Jitsu classes are designed to accommodate participants of all ages, from young children to adults. This inclusive approach allows families to train together and bond over shared experiences while learning valuable self-defense skills.

  • Do I need any prior experience in martial arts to join the Family Jiu Jitsu classes?

    No prior experience is necessary to join our Family Jiu Jitsu classes. Our program is structured to cater to beginners as well as more experienced practitioners. Our expert instructors will guide you through the fundamentals and ensure that you progress at a comfortable pace.

  • What should we wear to the Family Jiu Jitsu classes?

    Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable athletic clothing suitable for physical activity. As you progress, you may want to invest in a Jiu Jitsu gi (uniform) for a more authentic training experience. Our instructors will provide guidance on appropriate attire and any additional gear you may need.

  • How often should we attend classes to see progress?

    Consistency is key to seeing progress in Jiu Jitsu. We recommend attending classes at least twice a week to develop and retain the skills taught. Regular attendance helps improve physical fitness, technique, and mental discipline, contributing to a more rewarding experience.

  • Can Family Jiu Jitsu help with my child's behavior and discipline?

    Absolutely! One of the core benefits of Jiu Jitsu is the development of important life skills such as respect, discipline, and perseverance. Our program is designed to reinforce positive behavior, enhance focus, and build self-confidence in both children and adults, making it an excellent choice for overall personal development.

Strengthen Your Family, Body, & Mind with Jiu Jitsu

Don't miss our special offer! Click below and fill out the form to get started.

Our program is more than just self-defense; it combines physical skills with mental and emotional development. Join us today to build a powerful body and mind for your whole family.

Join us today to build a powerful body and mind for your whole family.

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